The word "martial", it's originated from Mars, the god of the war in Roman mythology. The term "Martial Art" for itself, it means the artistic expression of the combat, without losing the application of martial laws and principles. Although at the present time India hasn't any recognized modern martial art, in that country was originated the Hindu martial art "Varajmushti", the father of all the Chinese systems, and consequently of the rest of them.
The modern martial arts are mostly from the oriental region of the planet, and more specifically from China, Japan and Korea. Nowadays, the most popular and traditional China method it's the "Kung Fu" that it means "Ability", and whose origin dates from the sixth century BC, the Kung Fu has been also defined as any technique or martial art with Chinese origin, an example is "Wing Chun", created in the XVII century, which was practiced by the legendary Bruce Lee. Lee also created his own martial art, "Jeet Kune Do" or "way of the interceptor fist", which gathers philosophies of Wing Chun, such as to defend and to attack simultaneously, according Bruce Lee, the purpose of Jeet Kune Do was more philosophical than physical and it gathered the useful things of the other martial arts discarding the useless things. The main purpose was defeating the enemy with the minimum effort. On the other hand, Japan has developed great quantity of methods, "Sumo" is the traditional Japanese sport, This technique was probably originated before the Christian era; "Kendo" that literally means "Via of the sable", and it is also known as the Japanese fencing; "Kenpo" that means in Japanese language "Law of the fist", this refers to any kind of combat originated in China developed in Japan; Nin Jitsu, that used to be used by the old Ninjas and Samurais, this method taught its practitioners, how to exist or survive in any place or situation. Another Japanese method is the "Jiu Jitsu" this became the samurai's ideal defense method. Due to its complexity, another martial arts was created to be focused in specific areas. Some of them are "Karate Do" that means "Empty Hand" and was originated in the VI century at Okinawa city, Jigoro Kano's "Judo", which is characterized by the use of locks, and the Moriei Ueshiba's Aikido, which consists on a synthesis of the Karate, Judo and Jiu Jitsu. Aikido means "Method of the union or harmonization of the energy". These last two arts were originated respectively in the last two centuries. Maybe the most famous Korean martial art in the western region is "Tae Kwon Do", created by Lieutenant Choi to developing an own national martial art more superior in technical as in spirit than the Japanese Karate. This martial art began to be developed since the year 1946 until 1954. April eleventh 1955 this method took the name of Tae Kwon do, that means "Method of blocking kicking"; other Korean martial arts are "Sipa Ki Do", which has official registrations since 1.392, this consists on teaching as quick as possible to any person; "Han Mu Do" that means "The way of the Korean martial arts", this technique was created by Dr. He-Young Kimm in 1989, this is another empty hand technique; "Hap Ki Do" that is the art of the Korean personal defense, it was founded by the Great Master Ji Han Jae in the year 1.959, this uses all type of techniques to survive in a dangerous situation; and "Tang Su Do" that means "China hand way", this martial art was created by the great master Hwang Kee. This name was also used in Korea to make reference to any martial art. The North American actor Chuck Norris is an exponent of this sport.
Although the previously mentioned techniques was originated at the oriental area of Asia, the martial arts have been developed around the world, in countries like Brazil, United States, Israel, Malaysia, Thailand, Russia, Vietnam and France. Important arts developed in this other places are "Muay Thai" or "Thai boxing"; the recently developed American arts as the Kickboxing and the Full Contact, which starts since 1968; and Brazilian techniques like "Brazilian Jiu Jitsu" which is well-known by the effectiveness of their techniques in real fights, "Vale Tudo" and "Capoeira", although for some people the last one isn't a real martial art.